granola yoghurt and rasberry couli granola yoghurt and rasberry couli


Homemade Coconut and Cinnamon Granola and Stewed Rhubarb Parfait

This amazing recipe will leave you wondering why you haven’t been making your own granola when it is so easy! The combination of lightly spiced, crunchy layers in between creamy yoghurt (dairy or plant based) and tangy fruit are a real treat for your taste buds.

The quantities we have provided are enough to store the extras for future breakfasts. The stewed rhubarb also makes the perfect base for a crumble, spooned onto porridge or even ice cream!


You will need

Large mixing bowl

Parchment paper

Large flat baking tray


Resealable container to store (if you don’t eat all the granola straight out of the oven!)

Sharp knife and chopping board

Saucepan and Hob


Fine grater or zester



For the granola

3 cups of rolled oats – gluten free if you wish

1/2 cup melted coconut oil

cup of honey / agave syrup or maple syrup

cup unsweetened coconut flakes

cup almonds optional. Whole or slivered.

1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon more if you like a little more spice!

For the Rhubarb

500g of rhubarb

100g coconut sugar

1 large orange

teaspoon vanilla essence

cup of water

How to make it...


Chop the rhubarb stems into small chunks.


Zest and juice your orange.


Place the rhubarb, zest, orange juice, water and sugar into a saucepan and place on a low heat and gently stir until everything is combined.


Bring to the boil and then reduce heat to simmer for 8-10 minutes.


Stir every minute to prevent hot spots and burning.


Leave to cool or to store, place in a sterile container or jar. Keep it in the fridge for up to 3 days.


Pre-heat oven to 180 C and line a baking tray with parchment paper.


Melt the coconut oil and honey (or substitute) on a low heat.


In the large mixing bowl combine all dry ingredients, pour over half of the coconut oil mixture and mix, adding the remainder after a few good stirs! Hands work best here but feel free to use a spoon!


Place your mixture evenly onto a baking tray and give it a gentle press down. If your mixture sits deeper than 2 or 3 cm then you may need to use two baking trays. You want a thin layer so everything goes wonderfully crispy.


Place on the bottom shelf of the oven and turn the oven DOWN to 100. You want to cook it at a lower temperature to avoid burning and still create crunch!


Bake for 20 minutes or until the top has started to turn golden.


Remove from the oven and allow it to cool fully. This is where the magic happens, allowing the oils and sugars to cool down forming crispy clusters!


Once fully cool, break up into whatever sized pieces or clusters you wish! Small or large it will taste amazing. Store in a large Kilner jar or air tight container where it should then keep fresh for up to 10 days!

Bring it all together

This looks great if you create it in a glass dish or jar but it tastes equally as great just layered up and eaten out of a bowl!

Start your layers with yoghurt on the bottom, then fruit and top with granola! Just two layers of each means every spoonful gets the flavours from each element.