Brussel Sprout Recipe! A unique take on the sprout | Adventure Yogi Brussel Sprout Recipe! A unique take on the sprout | Adventure Yogi

Brussel Sprout Recipe! A unique take on the sprout | Adventure Yogi

It is that time of year again when the Brussel sprout comes out to play.


You either love them or dislike them immensely, although we believe this is down to who the chef! Gone are the days of steaming the life outta them! Honestly, we’ve got a recipe that will convert you into a Brussel sprout lover for life! Go on, read below how to make those little green balls taste great!


The Brussel Sprout Recipe of Dreams!

We often think of Brussel sprouts only at Christmas time, but the wonderful little cruciferous vegetables are still in season. I like to take something perfectly tame and normal and shake it up, putting a twist on it and changing how people look at their food. That’s why I came up with this one.

brussel sprout recipe

Ingredients (Serves 6)

– 500g peeled and halved Brussels sprouts
– 1 large clove garlic, finely chopped
– A tbsp sesame oil
– tbsp coconut butter or sunflower oil if you can’t get the former
– 2 tbsp soy/tamari sauce
– ½ tin coconut milk
– Generous amount of freshly ground black pepper
– A pinch of chilli flakes (optional but really makes it great)
– Juice of half and lemon or lime


Brussel Sprout Recipe Method

In a large wok or frying pan, heat the coconut butter. Once melted add the garlic and cook on high heat for a minute or until it changes colour. Then add the sprouts and a little warm water, stir fry for 2 minutes then add the soy sauce and a little more water and repeat. Now add the coconut milk and further cook for a minute or two. Finally, add the chilli and pepper and remove from the heat. The sprouts should be a vibrant green and still very crunchy.

To serve, simply pour over the sesame oil and lemon/lime juice.


Why is the Brussel sprout so good for you?

Brussels sprouts may have unique health benefits in terms of DNA protection.

Studies have shown that there are certain compounds in Brussel sprouts that improve the stability of DNA inside the white blood cells by blocking the activity of sulphotransferase enzymes. White blood cells are a key part of our defence system against pathogens in our bodies. Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) is the name given to a group of disorders associated with bone marrow related disorders resulting in blood cell imbalances such as Leukopenia, reduced numbers of mature white blood cells in the circulatory system.

As you can imagine this would result in reoccurring infection and therefore cellular damage on a systemic level, disease. Scientists have seen that consuming 1.25 cups of Brussels sprouts a day can prevent the action of sulphotransferase enzymes so halting the process. However, that is an awful lot of Brussels sprouts for a normal person to consume so unless you have an existing blood disorder I would probably just advise you to eat them as and when you can.

Also, tests have shown that they do not have an effect on the thyroid gland and therefore are safe for those with thyroid disorders.



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