Articles and press to get your yoga juices flowing.

Category: Yoga

Chakra Series – Anahata Chakra (Heart Chakra) | Adventure Yogi

Anahata Chakra: Heart Chakra – Your heart’s true song. In Sanskrit, Anahata means “unhurt, unstruck, and unbeaten”.   Welcome to the Heart Chakra. Your heart...

Manipura Chakra – Chakra Series | Adventure Yogi

Discover the Manipura Chakra - the third in our Chakra series, responsible for controlling our energy balance to strengthen and consolidate our health.

10 Desk Yoga Poses – For Office Workers in Need of Relaxation | Adventure Yogi

Discover our top 10 desk yoga poses for office workers in need of a stretch and relaxation, from Crescent Moons to Chaturangas.
healing crystals for yoga

Chakra Series – Svadhistana Chakra | Adventure Yogi

The Sacral chakra or svadhistana chakra, the second in the chakra series. Learn how to balance pleasure and power, relationships, feelings and sensations
mala beads yoga

Mala Beads – Garlands of Intention | Adventure Yogi

Learn more about Mala beads and why yogi's love them

The Chakra Series – Muladhara Chakra | Adventure Yogi

The root chakra - learn what this means and how to balance it
5 Reasons to do a Yoga Teacher Training Course

5 Reasons to do a Yoga Teacher Training Course | Adventure Yogi

Love yoga and want to deepen your practice? Not necessarily to become a teacher, but for your own personal benefit? Read on and find out how a TTC can change your life..

5 Yoga Poses to Ease Yourself Into Spring | Adventure Yogi

By practicing these 5 poses, we can shift kapha energy and create sukha to ease the flow into Spring.

Restorative Yin Yoga – 5 Nurturing Poses | Adventure Yogi

What is Yin yoga? Yoga teacher Rosalind Southward tells us all about Yin yoga and its benefits, and shares 5 of her favourite restorative poses.

4 Yoga Poses to Nourish this Autumn | Adventure Yogi

Five of our favourite Yoga poses to keep you bouncing your way through the Autumn season.